
Quiet Promotion = Quiet Quit

AITA? Shortly after joining my company I was quiet promoted. I was super committed to my role working evenings, weekends to be the best I could be in the role. As I result my job title become more senior, my area of responsibility doubled, my team size grew from 0 to 15 and my boss changed from my boss to my bosses’ boss. But…my salary did not change! All my peers are paid at least a third more than me, and even some of my direct reports are paid more than me. I raised this with my boss and I got the usually response – “I need to demonstrate how I am adding value in this role before I get the pay rise.” But I know my worth and I estimate I am being paid at least 25% less than my value. So I’ve decided that if they are only…


Shortly after joining my company I was quiet promoted. I was super committed to my role working evenings, weekends to be the best I could be in the role.

As I result my job title become more senior, my area of responsibility doubled, my team size grew from 0 to 15 and my boss changed from my boss to my bosses’ boss.

But…my salary did not change!

All my peers are paid at least a third more than me, and even some of my direct reports are paid more than me.

I raised this with my boss and I got the usually response – “I need to demonstrate how I am adding value in this role before I get the pay rise.”

But I know my worth and I estimate I am being paid at least 25% less than my value.

So I’ve decided that if they are only willing to pay for 75% of my value, I will only give them 75% of my service. I use the remaining time to search for my next role, spend time with my family and develop myself.

I cannot wait to resign!

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