
Times you stuck up for yourself against your employer

I'll start. Worked at a small business, had a sporadic schedule that changed every week. the upside was that it was done a month in advance. ok, fine. got scheduled for 6 days in a row but it fell in the middle of the pay period so I didn't get overtime. 60 hours worked in 6 days and it was all straight time. okay, we were short-staffed. not a problem. the second time I was scheduled for 6 day/60hrs I told them it would be the last time I was doing it. They remarked how I got 2 days in a row off before and after the stretch of days and it “isn't the bad”. I told them the whole point of overtime was to compensate the worker for overextending their body. My body doesn't care that the pay period falls in between my 6-day stretch. it's physically exhausting and…

I'll start. Worked at a small business, had a sporadic schedule that changed every week. the upside was that it was done a month in advance. ok, fine.

got scheduled for 6 days in a row but it fell in the middle of the pay period so I didn't get overtime. 60 hours worked in 6 days and it was all straight time. okay, we were short-staffed. not a problem.

the second time I was scheduled for 6 day/60hrs I told them it would be the last time I was doing it. They remarked how I got 2 days in a row off before and after the stretch of days and it “isn't the bad”. I told them the whole point of overtime was to compensate the worker for overextending their body. My body doesn't care that the pay period falls in between my 6-day stretch. it's physically exhausting and I should get overtime. “well its not the law anon so there's nothing we can do” I then remarked how the owner could be nice to me and just give me overtime anyway. The manager laughed and told me good luck. I worked the shifts half-assed and mad as fuck. looking back I should have called out.

the third time it happened I told the manager I wasn't doing it and to please stop scheduling me for 60 hours in 6 days. “But anon we need you.” I said “okay, then pay me overtime.”

They came back with new schedule and surprise surprise they didn't need me 6 days in a row after all. I was there for two more years and constantly stood up for myself after that.

  • “OP you need to find coverage if you call out” – No I don't, I'm not in management.

  • “OP if a customer makes a mess in the bathroom you need to clean it” – the owner can hire an outside company to do that as I was hired to supervise shifts, not be a janitor

  • “OP you can't call out on a friday we are busy” – I only get 5 sick days a year and I haven't used any in months. What's the problem?

  • “OP you can't talk about salaries in the workplace” – Check the breakroom where the OSHA/Labor rights posters are hanging. I'm allowed to talk about wages. “well its a new law, we must have forgotten”

my favorite one as it was manipulative and just straight up mean:

  • “OP you can't sit around and do nothing during a slow shift” – You guys always tell me when it's busy that at least it will be slow in a month, then when its slow you hound me to do more work. that's not very nice”

fuck that job.

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