
Unpaid time for driving between hotels/yard and job site

Not me personally, but this runs rampant at my workplace. I am wondering if this is illegal considering all driving done is with company vehicles (usually pickups but sometimes vehicles that require class A license to drive). This happens most when crews are working away from home and staying in hotels. Sometimes these drives can be longer than one hour, requiring the crew to wake up and leave the hotel early (still unpaid) to get to the job site on time. This also happens at the end of the week on Friday, but not on Monday I am wondering if this is illegal or not considering that supervisors in question will force crews to work the full shift and then not pay to move vehicles back to hotels/yard.

Not me personally, but this runs rampant at my workplace. I am wondering if this is illegal considering all driving done is with company vehicles (usually pickups but sometimes vehicles that require class A license to drive). This happens most when crews are working away from home and staying in hotels. Sometimes these drives can be longer than one hour, requiring the crew to wake up and leave the hotel early (still unpaid) to get to the job site on time. This also happens at the end of the week on Friday, but not on Monday

I am wondering if this is illegal or not considering that supervisors in question will force crews to work the full shift and then not pay to move vehicles back to hotels/yard.

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