
I got a write up at work

A drunk driver hit my car and I’ve been getting carpooled and bike to work. 17 miles there and back. They messed up payroll and on my only day off so I couldn’t get a car and my deal fell through and the car sold. Due to cold weather I need another car to keep getting to work because I can’t bike 17 miles a day in the snow or rain. I took a day off to get a car and they wrote me up for it.

A drunk driver hit my car and I’ve been getting carpooled and bike to work. 17 miles there and back. They messed up payroll and on my only day off so I couldn’t get a car and my deal fell through and the car sold. Due to cold weather I need another car to keep getting to work because I can’t bike 17 miles a day in the snow or rain. I took a day off to get a car and they wrote me up for it.

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