
Had to work anyway…

Sort of update from my last post, I guess. You can read it here. I've been sick this week and took two days off, and in my country we get two public holidays in a row this week (today and tomorrow) so was looking forward to an extra long weekend and getting better. Well, I was told yesterday that I had to work today anyway, because an urgent task needed to be done and wasn't done while I was away (since it's my job usually, I guess they just left it to me..) It's nice to know that I had to work while sick, during a public holiday which we usually get off, just because my absence of two days caused such a disruption… I had to do nearly two hours of overtime as well to catch up. It's really not the worst workplace story, I know, just would hate…

Sort of update from my last post, I guess. You can read it here.

I've been sick this week and took two days off, and in my country we get two public holidays in a row this week (today and tomorrow) so was looking forward to an extra long weekend and getting better. Well, I was told yesterday that I had to work today anyway, because an urgent task needed to be done and wasn't done while I was away (since it's my job usually, I guess they just left it to me..)
It's nice to know that I had to work while sick, during a public holiday which we usually get off, just because my absence of two days caused such a disruption… I had to do nearly two hours of overtime as well to catch up. It's really not the worst workplace story, I know, just would hate to think what would happen if I had to suddenly take a week off or more.

To top it off, I'm not even sure if I will get paid penalty rates for working during a public holiday because my workplace has been very slack with my paychecks recently, including forgetting about my pay rise and paying my old rate as well as not sending me paycheck documents for weeks at a time.

Anyway, I'll be looking for a new job soon….lol

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