
My dad keeps trying to give me “advice”.

Got some good “advice” today. LOL We were driving back from where ever and he saw a now hiring sign on the side of the road. Just some random dude holding a now hiring sign; I didn't actually see it but that's what he said. I live in central Florida, so we have a lot of farm labor around here(actually more like a 45 minute drive away, but that's unimportant). “Yea, it might be interesting to work [where ever]. I wouldn't go work in a field…” “You'll have a leg up on a lot of the other applicants because you're decent looking.” (he means no tatts or piercings) I'm sorry, wut? Did I suddenly get transported back to the 1980s? My dad is fucking fixated on this “you don't have any tatts or piercings so you have a better chance of getting hired” shtick. It's one of his go-to pieces…

Got some good “advice” today. LOL

We were driving back from where ever and he saw a now hiring sign on the side of the road. Just some random dude holding a now hiring sign; I didn't actually see it but that's what he said.

I live in central Florida, so we have a lot of farm labor around here(actually more like a 45 minute drive away, but that's unimportant).

“Yea, it might be interesting to work [where ever]. I wouldn't go work in a field…”

“You'll have a leg up on a lot of the other applicants because you're decent looking.” (he means no tatts or piercings)

I'm sorry, wut? Did I suddenly get transported back to the 1980s?

My dad is fucking fixated on this “you don't have any tatts or piercings so you have a better chance of getting hired” shtick. It's one of his go-to pieces of “advice” whenever job advice comes up.

Fucking boomers, yall.

I love my dad, but damn.

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