
I moved my son, other disabled son, and pregnant wife 1600 miles to get downsized within 5 months.

Hey everyone(throw away for obvs reasons): I moved from the west coast back to my home state in October after accepting a decent position with a medium sized business in the midwest. I moved myself, my wife (pregnant), disabled son (6) and his non-disabled twin brother cross country for this position. The job itself was pretty decent with acceptable benefits and pay, with an actual decent boss. The first couple months were great, and I had no complaints. Around christmas, on a friday, with no warning they terminated 30 some employees and closed two of their branches. We received zero notice in IT. This was the first sign something was really off. Rewinding a bit, I wanted to work for this company specifically because I have cold feet related to buyouts due to a devastating buyout in earlier in my career. This company touted itself as a local family owned…

Hey everyone(throw away for obvs reasons): I moved from the west coast back to my home state in October after accepting a decent position with a medium sized business in the midwest. I moved myself, my wife (pregnant), disabled son (6) and his non-disabled twin brother cross country for this position. The job itself was pretty decent with acceptable benefits and pay, with an actual decent boss. The first couple months were great, and I had no complaints.

Around christmas, on a friday, with no warning they terminated 30 some employees and closed two of their branches. We received zero notice in IT. This was the first sign something was really off. Rewinding a bit, I wanted to work for this company specifically because I have cold feet related to buyouts due to a devastating buyout in earlier in my career. This company touted itself as a local family owned company. What I should've read this to mean was “We only care about our family in the business, the rest of you can fuck off and die”

Well, fastforward from Christmas to yesterday, 2/28. There's a last minute meeting scheduled for 8am and everyone, remote or not, must physically attend. My stomach sank knowing what was probably going to happen.

Sure enough, the psychopath VP of finance (he looks like farquad from shrek not even kidding) strides in and says “so we're changing gears, we are partnering (they are actually selling off a large portion of the business to a competitor) the company and the so and so family thank you for your service. I am not answering any questions right now because there will be too many, you will have a 1 on 1 with your manager”

So, I had to sit for 4 hours for my boss to show up and tell me I was right and proper fucked. He told me most everyone was termed effective in 1 week, I was being given 2 months to help close up IT operations and that if I finished out these two months I'd receive an additional “bonus” month of pay.

I think the most hilarious part is the owner thought it was super cool my son was disabled because his aunt has downs and was all about taking care of people in that situation.

My daughter is due in 3 weeks, and my son who has cerebral palsy will be having his 10th surgery in 2 weeks.

I guess that's different when a multi-millionaire has a chance to make some extra millions.

So, now I try to job hunt, hoping the short work period won't be a blemish and find work before my firing in 2 months.

Also, before anyone asks: I do not receive any benefits for my child's disability. I “make too much”. LOL.

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