
Job applications are harvesting and selling your data

Nothing makes me more angry than this. Since actively starting my job search, job scams have become more active, as well as other sales pitches/recruitment using my personal information. For some of these companies, I’ve been forced to enter my social security in order to submit an application. How can I trust they won’t sell it? It’s the ultimate betrayal from these companies, they see you as less than dirt, just a thing to be bought and sold.

Nothing makes me more angry than this.

Since actively starting my job search, job scams have become more active, as well as other sales pitches/recruitment using my personal information.

For some of these companies, I’ve been forced to enter my social security in order to submit an application. How can I trust they won’t sell it?

It’s the ultimate betrayal from these companies, they see you as less than dirt, just a thing to be bought and sold.

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