
“Everyone has a personal life”

I have been suffering from chronic pain and health issues for the last two years. I finally got surgery this year and it has greatly helped but it required me to step down from a position and quit the department I worked in because getting any accommodation was always a battle. I was transferred to another department. Today I had a review with my manager and despite doing all my work on time and even helping other team members, I was warned because I haven’t been in the office due to my health issues and had a doctors note. They said everyone has a personal life and I can’t keep making excuses. I said I also have to care for a disabled family member and they said there are programs for that. There is none where I live. No one gives a shit about disabled people and it’s all on…

I have been suffering from chronic pain and health issues for the last two years. I finally got surgery this year and it has greatly helped but it required me to step down from a position and quit the department I worked in because getting any accommodation was always a battle. I was transferred to another department. Today I had a review with my manager and despite doing all my work on time and even helping other team members, I was warned because I haven’t been in the office due to my health issues and had a doctors note. They said everyone has a personal life and I can’t keep making excuses. I said I also have to care for a disabled family member and they said there are programs for that. There is none where I live. No one gives a shit about disabled people and it’s all on me everyday. I didn’t say this part and I don’t share this info often because people make awful or cruel remarks about the disabled or it becomes a joke. It feels like I’m being punished for things I can’t control despite going above and beyond. HR kept asking me for specifics but I said it was illegal to pry and that my medical note was all that was required to take a break from in-office work. I need this job but from now on, I’m only doing what is required of me and never providing reasons, I’m just going to keep getting doctors notes and let them figure their own shit out. Unfortunately there is nothing to help me in taking care of my disabled family member. The government/ academia doesn’t give a shit and my manager has little sympathy.

This is for a decent paying government funded position where half the employees don’t meet their personal work quotas every week. The department has no sympathy for those needing accommodations and some of the employees say openly racist or derogatory remarks about the people they are supposed to be helping.
I was also told “I’m not the right type of woman” for them to support in STEM/ where I work because I wasn’t focused enough (despite doing everything that was asked and beyond). I asked for specifics in what I could improve but it was never forwarded to me.

I hate always being punished for doing what is asked and then never given the resources or accommodations to thrive. Yeah everyone does have a personal life and it should be accommodated for, work should not be your first priority. Kids, don’t go into academia. Also if you want to run a province just do some drugs and know the right people.

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