
Please i need advice!! Please

I work for an event company and i was written up based on a lie. But i have no proof other than my word. I have been with this event company for several years and i have gotten nothing but positive feedback from literally all of the clients. We recently got new management and it feels like i have to start from scratch to prove myself. I recently just worked an event for a client who was incredibly rude to me but i was being professional and being nice to her. I can tell 100% she was being jealous and a hater. She asked me if i can take off my uniform and give it to her because she liked it. I said this is my uniform i cant just give it to you ( what is wrong with people) and thats when she started talking about me to her…

I work for an event company and i was written up based on a lie. But i have no proof other than my word.

I have been with this event company for several years and i have gotten nothing but positive feedback from literally all of the clients.

We recently got new management and it feels like i have to start from scratch to prove myself.

I recently just worked an event for a client who was incredibly rude to me but i was being professional and being nice to her. I can tell 100% she was being jealous and a hater. She asked me if i can take off my uniform and give it to her because she liked it. I said this is my uniform i cant just give it to you ( what is wrong with people) and thats when she started talking about me to her partners.

They all had her “back” because its a family business and they were all related. They all started acting very rude to me after that. Although i held my composure and continued doing my job which i love.

One of them ended up calling my new manager the next daysaying how im a horrible event planner and they dont want me to work with them and to never hire me again. This is the first time im working under new management and this is my managers first impression of me. She called me and told me how the client doesnt want me to work with them and that she made it seem like she is now hesitant to book me for other events!!!

I told her exactly what happened but she said its “he said she said” at this point. I have no proof that i was doing my job properly and that the client and her family is the one that is lying. What do i do?? Im not fired but i know my manager will never book me for any more events. Please i need help. I cant stop crying. This is my main job and i feel like screaming.

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