
Feeling burnt out

So with my current place of employment(Don't want to disclose job role or company) I'm really finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. They have hired for the next position above me multiple times instead of even giving me a chance to trial for it and progress. I have been in the role almost 4 years and going in every day doing the exact same spreadsheets in the exact same order is really starting to get me. I have proved I can do the role above me decently well and they still don't want to move me up. Quitting isn't an option at the moment because I'm currently studying aswell and my wife only gets between 2-3 shifts at her job per week. What I'm really trying to accomplish by making this post is to get some advice on how you guys and girls would deal…

So with my current place of employment(Don't want to disclose job role or company) I'm really finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

They have hired for the next position above me multiple times instead of even giving me a chance to trial for it and progress.

I have been in the role almost 4 years and going in every day doing the exact same spreadsheets in the exact same order is really starting to get me.

I have proved I can do the role above me decently well and they still don't want to move me up. Quitting isn't an option at the moment because I'm currently studying aswell and my wife only gets between 2-3 shifts at her job per week.

What I'm really trying to accomplish by making this post is to get some advice on how you guys and girls would deal with having to do the exact same things in the exact same order day-in, day-out and to vent a little bit. I return to work next week and I'm kind of dreading it to be honest.

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