
“We’ll talk about compensation if we offer you a job.”

I had an interview yesterday for a part time administrative assistant. It went well, and at the end, I asked what they had budgeted for the role. The HR representative asked for clarification. I asked what was a range that they had expected to pay someone for this role. She said that they would talk about compensation if they extended a job offer to me. Is this normal? I haven’t interviewed many places, and I have never negotiated pay. However, in the past, I have never had to bring up the topic as the interviewer has always mentioned it. Is it normal to not even tell a candidate what range or a base amount that could increase with experience they can expect as compensation?

I had an interview yesterday for a part time administrative assistant. It went well, and at the end, I asked what they had budgeted for the role. The HR representative asked for clarification. I asked what was a range that they had expected to pay someone for this role. She said that they would talk about compensation if they extended a job offer to me. Is this normal? I haven’t interviewed many places, and I have never negotiated pay. However, in the past, I have never had to bring up the topic as the interviewer has always mentioned it. Is it normal to not even tell a candidate what range or a base amount that could increase with experience they can expect as compensation?

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