
overpaid and under qualified

I'm not quite sure this is the right forum, so delete if not allowed. I work in an office environment and my manager quit a few weeks ago. I have taken over the his email account to ensure that nothing is missed and we can have access to history. I was going through trying to find someone's contact details and I came across the hiring paperwork for one of my coworkers including her contract and salary. The email chain had a huge amount back and forth internally continuously upping the offer to be made to her prior to her hiring. Since my manager left, there is only two of us left in the department and they are not planning on hiring a manager at the moment due to the need to reduce overheads. Therefore, we are being required to pick up the slack and cover the managers role. At first,…

I'm not quite sure this is the right forum, so delete if not allowed.

I work in an office environment and my manager quit a few weeks ago. I have taken over the his email account to ensure that nothing is missed and we can have access to history. I was going through trying to find someone's contact details and I came across the hiring paperwork for one of my coworkers including her contract and salary.

The email chain had a huge amount back and forth internally continuously upping the offer to be made to her prior to her hiring. Since my manager left, there is only two of us left in the department and they are not planning on hiring a manager at the moment due to the need to reduce overheads. Therefore, we are being required to pick up the slack and cover the managers role. At first, I thought fine, I'll buck up, help cover and get through and maybe I'll get a promotion out of it.

My co-worker is useless. She can talk the talk, but she has very little IT stills and actually not that much industry knowledge. She is in a higher role than me and has been in the industry for a bit longer than me. Since she can hardly use a computer and most of the management tasks are on the computer, I've been doing most of them.

Since I came across that email with her wage, I don't want to do this anymore. I shouldn't be having to cover the managers role. I don't get paid enough for this shit.

My co-worker on the other hand, gets almost triple what I make. Fuck this. Fuck work. I don't want to do this anymore.

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