
Anti Work Life Depicted Through Media

There are so many pro work/corporate shows out there, work hard live the American Dream. I remember watching endless reruns of Bewitched. Poor Darren, Darrol, Dodge? What other names did Samantha's mother call the husband? I still have a soft spot for Mary Tyler Moore. Course in my favorites the job usually showed SOME sense of loyalty. What are your favorite movies and shows that either have the anti work pro anarchy themes or more anti shitty work pro union theme? If you name one of the obvious ones, try to give a unique reason as to why something stood out. I've been catching up on Call the Midwife. OH MY. Relevant in so many ways to today! I hate to spoil anything, but at one point one of the mid wives wins some money, a significant amount for a working person. While they had always been so committed to…

There are so many pro work/corporate shows out there, work hard live the American Dream. I remember watching endless reruns of Bewitched. Poor Darren, Darrol, Dodge? What other names did Samantha's mother call the husband? I still have a soft spot for Mary Tyler Moore. Course in my favorites the job usually showed SOME sense of loyalty.

What are your favorite movies and shows that either have the anti work pro anarchy themes or more anti shitty work pro union theme? If you name one of the obvious ones, try to give a unique reason as to why something stood out.

I've been catching up on Call the Midwife. OH MY. Relevant in so many ways to today! I hate to spoil anything, but at one point one of the mid wives wins some money, a significant amount for a working person. While they had always been so committed to their career, when this happened they announced “And I have a whole week to prepare” something like that, for their new journey. Did the nun like that she only had a week to replace the person? probably not! LOL, but good for the character that put her life's opportunity first.

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