
I grew up with the mentality of hustle culture to gain success in life. I’m only 19 and it already feels like a lie.

I worked for a grocery store and was paid minimum wage and long hours. They violated union rules and forced me to work midnight shifts in high school. After toxic management, i left there in a hurry. Originally I was so excited to be there. I suffered a back injury and the union filed a claim and I got $71 dollars in compensation(yay……) and even that tiny amount is not here after 8 months. I work in a restaurant now. Tipping culture sucks. I’m below minimum wage and since were a counter joint, tips are rarely given or just not much. We get no breaks and the only thing keeping me there is my manager is actually caring. I’m in college now with work. I would leave but work where? everywhere pays nothing or is so uniform and basically makes you a robot. Is there anything I can do to…

I worked for a grocery store and was paid minimum wage and long hours. They violated union rules and forced me to work midnight shifts in high school. After toxic management, i left there in a hurry. Originally I was so excited to be there. I suffered a back injury and the union filed a claim and I got $71 dollars in compensation(yay……) and even that tiny amount is not here after 8 months. I work in a restaurant now. Tipping culture sucks. I’m below minimum wage and since were a counter joint, tips are rarely given or just not much. We get no breaks and the only thing keeping me there is my manager is actually caring. I’m in college now with work. I would leave but work where? everywhere pays nothing or is so uniform and basically makes you a robot. Is there anything I can do to actually change my life out of this? Cause after college my career will just be 6 days a week of hard labor. I’ll make good money but have no time to enjoy it.

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