
Hey i got canned from my part time job today. Is there any way i can fight it or confront them?

Hey guys so i'm a 25 year old man, I was working at a grocery store as a grocery clerk for 2/3 weeks. Other than one sick day (because i had the flu) and one day i was late due to public transport (i informed the manager) i hadn't done anything to break the rules or believe cause me to be fired. Everything was going great, i was already planning my days and shifts when my supervisor just sends me a text out of the blue: Hey we just evaulated your performance the last 2 weeks, found it unsatisfactory and this isn't working out. When i asked for a bix more explanation or what happened as it was out of the blue all i see is that he's read the message with no response. I don't know what i did that would warrant me getting fired out of the blue…

Hey guys so i'm a 25 year old man,

I was working at a grocery store as a grocery clerk for 2/3 weeks. Other than one sick day (because i had the flu) and one day i was late due to public transport (i informed the manager) i hadn't done anything to break the rules or believe cause me to be fired. Everything was going great, i was already planning my days and shifts when my supervisor just sends me a text out of the blue: Hey we just evaulated your performance the last 2 weeks, found it unsatisfactory and this isn't working out. When i asked for a bix more explanation or what happened as it was out of the blue all i see is that he's read the message with no response. I don't know what i did that would warrant me getting fired out of the blue with no notice or any decency. It's just a cold “you're done”. They've already taken me off the schedule for next week.

Now i made sure to do my job well. Didn't break any rules, didn't wear headphones on the floor or do anything that would catch their attention. Didn't break any items, only talked to customers who needed help or talked to me first. I also have OCD so make sure to stock the shelves and items well. Worse part is he didn't even tell me what was wrong. There's been literally no warnings or advice about my work. I just did the tasks and jobs i was asked to/assigned to. Anyway the whole situation just left me in a bad mood today morning and i'm thinking of going to speak to the head manager. Atleast ask why i was fired, if they just found someone with better availablity. I know it's a simple job but i was never fired before. What do you guys think? This is in montreal canada. Can they just fire me with no notice?

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