
Question: Not saying anything because you dont want to talk to your boss

I don't know what I want to do with this post, probably just vent some emotions. Do you know the feeling of rebuking your boss for his asshole action but not doing it because you just don't feel like having a conversation with him? My boss is so difficult, sometimes nice as a person but usually an asshole who has no manners. Again and again I find myself in situations where inside I just want to contradict him and give him my opinion, but I don't because I just don't feel like having a conversation with him. I mainly avoid him and when he wants something I just nod or say yes. Today again such situations occurred. A customer who was very satisfied with my work, has given me as a small gratitude a large and a small box of chocolates, chocolate eggs and other sweet things. Since I'm losing…

I don't know what I want to do with this post, probably just vent some emotions.

Do you know the feeling of rebuking your boss for his asshole action but not doing it because you just don't feel like having a conversation with him?

My boss is so difficult, sometimes nice as a person but usually an asshole who has no manners. Again and again I find myself in situations where inside I just want to contradict him and give him my opinion, but I don't because I just don't feel like having a conversation with him. I mainly avoid him and when he wants something I just nod or say yes.

Today again such situations occurred. A customer who was very satisfied with my work, has given me as a small gratitude a large and a small box of chocolates, chocolate eggs and other sweet things. Since I'm losing weight anyway and have no need for so much chocolate I wanted to share the gift with my employees. But I myself wanted to take the big box of chocolates for my mother. Before I could even tell my coworkers, my boss had already secured the thickest box, which I wanted to give to my mother, without asking.

That is, he did not even know that I wanted to share MY chocolate and still takes the right to firstly to take the chocolate and secondly to claim an entire package for himself alone.

In my head I explode, throw him any insult to head and have 10000 stupid sayings for him in the head. But I say nothing. Not because I don't dare, but simply because every second I have to talk to him is wasted time that I don't get back.

Do you know this feeling?
Not saying anything, even though you have every right in the world to do so, just to avoid a conversation?

Bonus, story that just happened:

My boss opens a private letter addressed to him while standing next to me. I sit and do my work. After a short skim, he hands me the letter and tells me to put it on his desk. Plot twist:His desk is not 2m flight line away from my workplace. So I have to get up, walk 2 meters and put the letter down although he is not even 5 seconds away and since he is already standing he could have done it himself, also he interrupts my work. Again such a situation.

I've been at the company for 5 years now and I expect to go to university in half a year. I'm counting the hours I still have to serve here, but at least I know that the horror will soon be over.

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