
The Poop List Part 2

Hey all, not Scott here, so I wanted to post a quick follow up to a story I shared on here last Friday. For those of you who didn't see, about a week ago I was presented with a list of all my bathroom breaks and asked to explain them. I was then asked to justify why I had difficulties getting to work when my car was in the shop for over a month (I had to borrow my mom's car eventually because the dealer refused to issue a 24 year old a loaner car and i couldnt keep asking for rides from friends). The update is they fired me without completing my final 2 weeks. I came in the office this morning, nobody said a word to me. I had Halloween off so I sorted through 100 emails by lunch, finished everything on my to do list by 3,…

Hey all, not Scott here, so I wanted to post a quick follow up to a story I shared on here last Friday. For those of you who didn't see, about a week ago I was presented with a list of all my bathroom breaks and asked to explain them. I was then asked to justify why I had difficulties getting to work when my car was in the shop for over a month (I had to borrow my mom's car eventually because the dealer refused to issue a 24 year old a loaner car and i couldnt keep asking for rides from friends).
The update is they fired me without completing my final 2 weeks. I came in the office this morning, nobody said a word to me. I had Halloween off so I sorted through 100 emails by lunch, finished everything on my to do list by 3, then at 4:20, 10 minutes before end of shift im called into the conference room. “Hi, last week you submitted your…resignation (she really chewed the silence) and we have decided to accept it and make it effective today”. I nodded, went back to my desk, and gathered all my things. As I was gathering i took care to remove any and all notes on my groups (I was a health care administrator) and left an empty to do list on top of a dirty desk. I composed a quick email to the salesmen, whom I got along with well, and then walked out while “take this job and shove it” was playing through my phone speakers. Oh icing on the cake was I got to do a princess wave goodbye to the supervisor who drafted the list as I was driving out of the parking lot.

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