
Employees clock out but stay to have fun!

I just got this new job two weeks ago and something that just happened made me smile. One of the drivers finished their route and got back early. Since he has nothing else to do he clocked out and we have a basketball hoop in the back so he decided to stay and play with the other employees who are on break. This is honestly one of the better places I've worked for and they are extremely nice and easy going. It's a corporation but overall they take care of us. I might just be in the honey moon phase of the new job but everyone here has a smile on their face and is happy doing their jobs. Plus they always help whenever I need it. Not all jobs are terrible to work at. This experience has confirmed that for me.

I just got this new job two weeks ago and something that just happened made me smile.

One of the drivers finished their route and got back early. Since he has nothing else to do he clocked out and we have a basketball hoop in the back so he decided to stay and play with the other employees who are on break.

This is honestly one of the better places I've worked for and they are extremely nice and easy going. It's a corporation but overall they take care of us. I might just be in the honey moon phase of the new job but everyone here has a smile on their face and is happy doing their jobs. Plus they always help whenever I need it.

Not all jobs are terrible to work at. This experience has confirmed that for me.

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