
anxious about putting in my 2 weeks

i have 2 jobs rn, one at a bar and one as a server at a hotel. and where the bar has consistently been so fun to work at and makes good money, the other job is the equivalent of vomit. (ironic considering i’ve def had to clean up vomit at the bar.) the job i hate is a really early morning shift (which i did sign up for tbf) but the entire department i work in is the worst managed shit EVER. i was trying to hold on bc they give really good discounts for hotels, but honestly every time i go in i find myself hating every single customer that walks up, getting easily annoyed by other people on my team, etc. and i can tell it depends on the workplace bc at the bar i actually enjoy greeting people and giving them good customer service. but, even…

i have 2 jobs rn, one at a bar and one as a server at a hotel. and where the bar has consistently been so fun to work at and makes good money, the other job is the equivalent of vomit. (ironic considering i’ve def had to clean up vomit at the bar.)

the job i hate is a really early morning shift (which i did sign up for tbf) but the entire department i work in is the worst managed shit EVER. i was trying to hold on bc they give really good discounts for hotels, but honestly every time i go in i find myself hating every single customer that walks up, getting easily annoyed by other people on my team, etc. and i can tell it depends on the workplace bc at the bar i actually enjoy greeting people and giving them good customer service.

but, even though i’ve done 3 or 4 letters of resignation by now, it still makes me so anxious to put in my 2 weeks today. i think it’s bc i feel like the team is relying on my presence to be there (i decreased my availability recently and got some flak for it). i don’t want them to be mad, but honestly idk why that matters to me so much—they’ve consistently understaffed the floor, guilted ppl into staying late, and my tips are always affected by how slow BOH is with getting out food. several supervisors are also incredibly toxic and pick favorites, switch between supervisor and friend mode in seconds, and complain about whatever we’re not getting done without lifting a finger to help us out.

idk, i’ve only worked there for a few months so i’m trying to not care what the reaction will be, but i’ve been a pushover for so long and am just now starting to get out of the habit. not asking for advice necessarily, i know what i have to do, i’m just gonna be incredibly nervous till after my last day.

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