
Elite Money Laundering

Hello everyone, I had another epiphany. So I got a letter in the mail saying there's gonna be another stimulus payment. It made me realize something. Isn't the stimulus payment just professional money laundering? They keep printing the damn stuff which devalues it to begin with. Then they hang it out in the form of stimulus checks. People spend these check with businesses or investments which go to the rich. It's basically cash gift money laundering. There's a reason the rich got richer during covid. They enforced unconstitutional ordinances which screwed the economy and gave everyone cash gifts for them to spend.

Hello everyone, I had another epiphany. So I got a letter in the mail saying there's gonna be another stimulus payment. It made me realize something. Isn't the stimulus payment just professional money laundering? They keep printing the damn stuff which devalues it to begin with. Then they hang it out in the form of stimulus checks. People spend these check with businesses or investments which go to the rich. It's basically cash gift money laundering. There's a reason the rich got richer during covid. They enforced unconstitutional ordinances which screwed the economy and gave everyone cash gifts for them to spend.

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