
My position is being outsourced

3M, beloved post-it note creators, is a shit company that only cares about their stock prices. I work in a call center position helping internal sales reps and today my whole team (18 or so people) found out our roles will be eliminated as of July 1st 2023. The company has been cutting tons of jobs recently and we're next on the chopping block. We are outsourcing to Costa Rica, and will have to train all of our replacements (whoever stays that is). I'm so pissed at this company for doing this to cut costs and pay someone probably 1/2 of what I make. I have no hard feelings to the people who will replace us, as they are just trying to make a living like the rest of us. But why the fuck would I want to stick around for that, knowing I'm being replaced? The company isn't even…

3M, beloved post-it note creators, is a shit company that only cares about their stock prices.

I work in a call center position helping internal sales reps and today my whole team (18 or so people) found out our roles will be eliminated as of July 1st 2023.

The company has been cutting tons of jobs recently and we're next on the chopping block. We are outsourcing to Costa Rica, and will have to train all of our replacements (whoever stays that is).

I'm so pissed at this company for doing this to cut costs and pay someone probably 1/2 of what I make. I have no hard feelings to the people who will replace us, as they are just trying to make a living like the rest of us. But why the fuck would I want to stick around for that, knowing I'm being replaced?

The company isn't even doing anything to help us find jobs within the company if we want to stay, it's all up to us.

I plan to do as little work as possible for the remainder of my time in this job. I'm working with a recruiter, so I'm not too worried. Just a shitty situation to deal with.

Fuck 3M. Fuck corporate America. Fuck work.

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