
Earnings up but cutting bonus/base pool by 10%

This is somewhat a vent. I work for a large corporation in USA. We found out they are cutting our base and bonus money by 10% for increases. We do increases and bonuses annually. Our last earnings report was favorable. It’s just so unfair. Work your ass off and hope to offset inflation with the increases, and no why don’t we kick you while you’re down. I’m not surprised. Just annoyed. I’m over it.

This is somewhat a vent. I work for a large corporation in USA. We found out they are cutting our base and bonus money by 10% for increases. We do increases and bonuses annually. Our last earnings report was favorable. It’s just so unfair. Work your ass off and hope to offset inflation with the increases, and no why don’t we kick you while you’re down.

I’m not surprised. Just annoyed. I’m over it.

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