
Resignation Letter to my Ponzi-Scam-Artist Boss

Hey all… need to vent. Had no idea I may have been involved in a scam even though there were so many redflags. I couldn't sleep all night, so decided to compose my thoughts which ended up being this resignation letter/legal notes. IRS will be involved soon, I never requested to get paid under the table as I've always paid my taxes. Might be getting an attorney as well, but please let me know if you have any tips or tricks I should be aware of. – – – Mr. Con Artist Boss, Thank you for the opportunity you gave me while at Con Artist Company; I know you genuinely looked out for me initially because of your good nature and our close family ties. In my case, I had to quit my professional career of 15+ years in the autobody business due to ongoing (and legitimate, might I add)…

Hey all… need to vent. Had no idea I may have been involved in a scam even though there were so many redflags. I couldn't sleep all night, so decided to compose my thoughts which ended up being this resignation letter/legal notes.

IRS will be involved soon, I never requested to get paid under the table as I've always paid my taxes.

Might be getting an attorney as well, but please let me know if you have any tips or tricks I should be aware of.

– – –

Mr. Con Artist Boss,

Thank you for the opportunity you gave me while at Con Artist Company; I know you genuinely looked out for me initially because of your good nature and our close family ties.

In my case, I had to quit my professional career of 15+ years in the autobody business due to ongoing (and legitimate, might I add) health issues. It was not a decision I made lightly or in haste.

As such, I regret to inform you I am not a “fake cr*pple” by any means, as evidenced in multiple MRI’s performed at Heal Me Hospital, by educated, certified and credible medical personnel.

Your stated opinion of me to our newly-hired colleague (and my brother-in-law) John Smith was extremely hurtful and discriminatory. Even under my circumstances, any task you requested to be performed, I gave my 100% and did so in a timely manner. All while enduring and keeping quiet of any and all constant, chronic pain.

All so that your company, and you, would be successful!

Yet you called me a “r*t*rd” and requested John Smith revise or redo specific documents that I had manifested for you because they looked like my “sons did it”.

I had heavily vested my time, artistic, technological, grammatical and strategic abilities that far surpass yours in developing your website, logos, contract and presentations; key elements to your success from that point on.

Understand that my sons’ abilities will far exceed mine, let alone yours, but we will never be as good of a liar as you. RESPECT!!

Multiple times I requested reports from you reflecting the performance of existing clients’ stores, which I could use to the advantage of the company to procure potential investors. This never surfaced and the idea was constantly pushed off or excused.

Which brings me to my sister Jane Does' store. You had personally told me on MULTIPLE occasions that her personal Amazon FBA store (which you said you were micro-managing with your VA’s to make sure it met or exceeded expectations) was making $6,000.00+ in revenue per month.

I believed you in good faith.

Astounding figures for a discounted $10,000.00 investment, but when I asked her husband/my brother-in-law/work colleague/your employee John Smith if these figures were true, I was met with abrupt laughter and disbelief! In truth, this specific store one month was at -$50.00 in profit (Negative Fifty Dollars) and the most lucrative month amounted to an earth-shattering $200.00 in profit! In fact, not a single zero has been omitted! Can you believe that? Because I couldn’t!

Up until this realization, I had been pitching to potential clients that services provided by you/your company “could potentially perform similarly” and that their return-on-income for a $25,000.00 investment would be “guaranteed within a year”. I can not consciously lie on your behalf for the benefit of you or your company now that I am fully aware of the situation.

Again, I believed you in good faith.

Prior to beginning this messy business affair with you, you informed me of how your parents had given you a business loan of $100,000.00. You also made me aware this loan had not been repaid, as your previous business venture had gone bankrupt. Yet you assured me that your parents would be paid as soon as you would be financially able to do so.

Needless to say… I believed you in good faith

On the second or third day of my hire (June 19th or June 20th, 2022), to my surprise, you requested that I procure for you a cash investor (through my own network) in the amount of $25,000.00. I just got hired and now I have to find you money?

Worriedly, I approached a long-time business colleague and friend of mine, McLovin, vouching for you and your business model.

McLovin then approached his employer, on the basis of my reputation, integrity and honor within my personal network, and was able to arrange a $100,000.00 investment for your company on or around June 28, 2022. McLovin was verbally promised compensation for arranging the deal and received approximately $6,750.00.

I was verbally promised a miniscule percentage, which I never received, and out of spite, never pursued. Unlike, however, having to chase my salary at the end of the month, every month, like clockwork.

My employment contract stated monthly payments via direct deposit in the amount of $8,000.00 per month, no portion of which was to be withheld from me.

I always had to chase and request my money. And it always came in broken batches via Zelle, or checks or small payments of cash, never the full amount on time. Then, I had to stretch out receiving payments by one week (in theory, always giving you the upper hand as far as dangling a carrot in front of me).

Then you hire John Smith beginning of November this year, and I have to wait an additional week to receive funds. My final payment from you (on December 2, 2022) was 14 days late and thru no fault of my own. Technically, I should have been paid before Thanksgiving Holiday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. I have never had to remind someone to pay me for my dues in my life because the work I did was respected and appreciated.

But, in a statement made by you while on the phone with me regarding John Smith having to chase his payment, (just like me), you exclaimed “I decide when you get paid and how much you get paid”.

Very bold of you to breach your own contract with your head up your ass.

In fact, after I requested my salary (for the term from Oct. 18 – Nov. 18, 2022) on Monday, November 26th, 2022, you wired me $4,000.00 (half) and stated I would get the rest thru QuickBooks payroll (bouncing from an ADP account that was never setup 2 months prior) and I was instructed by you to fill out their request for information (social security and bank account info) to receive the remaining paycheck via direct deposit.

This never happened and on Friday, December 2nd, 2022, after inquiring about it, you stated via text message that payroll has been canceled and that John Smith and I would be getting additional wires for the remainder balance; I received mine but my John Smith did not.

Then, a few hours later, you terminated John Smith, stating to me that you had “made him whole” (regarding his unpaid salary) but that was not the case as I personally asked John Smith about it myself.

As of this writing, I am still owed $3,000.00, as per the contract you wrote, which you acknowledged via text to me on December 2, 2022. I honestly do not expect these funds to come in because of my lack of faith in you and your behavior with John Smith. You completely lack any integrity at this point.

Now, let’s get back to your parents. Multiple times you had assured me that you, now a successful business mogul and verified millionaire, had made your parents whole and had ultimately repaid your debts.

Not only did you never repay your parents (on whom you performed identity theft with by procuring loans under their names/social security number and then also tarnishing their credit score), you have not re-paid multiple people in my personal network whom you had contractual agreements with, stating “breach of contract” or “wrong contract signed” on their end which is utter nonsense.

This is defamation of my character and reputation since I vouched for you when you had nothing to show to anybody except a slick mouth.

On days where I had to request payment from you multiple times in order to not lapse on bills, (and never receiving them on time), I still came to bail you out of jail for your many vehicle related offenses a total of three times. Two of them in one week!

On these occasions, you were miraculously able to transfer me money from a jail cell at 11pm amounting to 10% of your bail necessary to not have to sleep on concrete, yet I had to incur late fees.

I did not hesitate to help you once as I waited in the police station lobby, on some occasions for over almost two hours.

Your driving, by the way, shows no regard for anyone on the road. Seated next to you, while exiting the parking lot of a gym, you showed no care for vulnerable pedestrians out in the cold, frantically trying to walk to or from their cars. Everyone had to stop dead in their tracks for you because you did not show the slightest bit of care for them.

To be honest, your behavior was quite disgusting to me at the time, but being in my position, I said nothing of it and went with the flow. Eventually, I stopped getting in any car with you (that I now firmly believe you bought with mis-appropriated funds from clients) for fear of my own life due to your lack of driving experience and desire to drive recklessly on even the shortest of journeys, let alone a 45-mile commute trying to break non-existent records.

With all this, I can not work for an individual so condescending, callous and self absorbed. You have changed so much over this short course of time we have worked together.

Good luck to you in your future endeavors and I wholeheartedly wish the best for you personally.

Thank you again for picking me up in the beginning and I hope to be in touch someday.


Movin' On

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