
Company laid of 20% of employees. Caught a trap in severance pay paperwork.

On 11/30, while on my way to work (I worked nights) a coworker tell me a bunch of people have been let go. Upper management hadn’t said anything. He just kept seeing people go into the meeting rooms and then escorted to their desks and off property. I tell him I got a last minute meeting booked through Teams for 30 minutes after my shift start so I’m probably going to be let go too. Sure enough, I get to my desk and I can’t log into my computer. I had to sit there for 30 minutes waiting to be laid off. Even worse, they didn’t tell my team I wasn’t their boss anymore, so I was receiving work texts from them in which I had to tell them I’m no longer their supervisor. The whole situation was ridiculous. In the meeting, they told me I would be receiving my…

On 11/30, while on my way to work (I worked nights) a coworker tell me a bunch of people have been let go. Upper management hadn’t said anything. He just kept seeing people go into the meeting rooms and then escorted to their desks and off property. I tell him I got a last minute meeting booked through Teams for 30 minutes after my shift start so I’m probably going to be let go too. Sure enough, I get to my desk and I can’t log into my computer. I had to sit there for 30 minutes waiting to be laid off. Even worse, they didn’t tell my team I wasn’t their boss anymore, so I was receiving work texts from them in which I had to tell them I’m no longer their supervisor. The whole situation was ridiculous.

In the meeting, they told me I would be receiving my last paycheck on 12/16 (in my state they aren’t required to provide it any earlier than the next payday). HR handed me my severance pay paperwork and I read the whole thing in front of her and the witness. I took my time. She was fidgety and uncomfortable. Part of the paperwork states that by signing I am acknowledging I have received all the money they owe me. But here’s the thing, I was being required to sign that paperwork by 12/8. EIGHT days before I am to receive all the money they owe me. I brought that up and the HR manager was like “yeaaah, I noticed that.” I said nothing. I let the awkwardness hang. Finally she said she would message her boss and get back to me the next day. Of course she didn’t. I emailed her 12/2 for follow up and she said they are allowing me, not “we recognized our error and have changed the date”, but they will allow ME to sign by 12/16. Fuck everyone else they let go, I guess.

I caught them on one issue, but I have no idea what else to look out for in this document. Any common gotchas to watch out for?

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