
The job search is HORRENDOUS as a teenager.

Okay so I just think I've gotten the short end of the stick. I'm trying to save to help pay my college bill. I got hired once. For a day. Then they told me they didn't need me, and we wasted our money buying uniforms. Job two. Small business, shitty owner. I got fired from my first job after two whole weeks of working for “making customers uncomfortable” and “mismanaging my till”. I'm sure for every ten customers I made smile or laugh there'd be that one ANGRY KAREN PHONE CALL. I wasn't robotic enough for my employer. I smiled and I chatted to my customers. I made people laugh, I felt like the only person with a soul there. “This job just isn't for you”. I wasnt even given a chance. Basically everywhere around me wants to pay a kid $7.25. And you know what, I'd be willing to…

Okay so I just think I've gotten the short end of the stick.
I'm trying to save to help pay my college bill.

I got hired once.
For a day.
Then they told me they didn't need me, and we wasted our money buying uniforms.

Job two. Small business, shitty owner.

I got fired from my first job after two whole weeks of working for “making customers uncomfortable” and “mismanaging my till”. I'm sure for every ten customers I made smile or laugh there'd be that one ANGRY KAREN PHONE CALL. I wasn't robotic enough for my employer. I smiled and I chatted to my customers. I made people laugh, I felt like the only person with a soul there. “This job just isn't for you”. I wasnt even given a chance.

Basically everywhere around me wants to pay a kid $7.25. And you know what, I'd be willing to work that, if I could atleast get eight hours. Nope.
Four only. At most. $32 a day isn't going to do shit for college. My paycheck was $211 and I would come home crying from the stress of the job. And I NEVER complained.

At this point, it's just age discrimination. I have a LOT under my belt.

I'm self employed as a reseller. It's the only job that won't discriminate against me. I have a five-star average rating.
I have an illustration under a published book. I'm a professional artist. Hell, I've self-taught myself three languages. I'm competent. I graduated from high school early. I've applied to maybe 70+ jobs on Indeed. Nobody's reaching out, and if they do, they don't read my resume. The first line says I'm sixteen. And it pisses me off I could have had that job if I wasn't stunted by my age.

It's so unfair. My skillset is worth more than a number of young adults but my age and location circumstance is hindering me. It's hell.

End of rant. Sorry. x

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