
Discussion/Vent: Absurd HR/LinkedIn oxymorons. What stupidly contradictory things have you seen or heard lately?

I'll start Companies: “We need young blood to replace our aging/retiring workforce!”…. Also companies: “You don't have 12 years of experience?!? Next candidate.” HR on LinkedIn: “I alWAyS hiRE am-bee-shus PeePul”…. HR with management: “This candidate was very ambitious, so I don't know if he will stay. Let's look at the 2nd one.”

I'll start

  • Companies: “We need young blood to replace our aging/retiring workforce!”…. Also companies: “You don't have 12 years of experience?!? Next candidate.”

  • HR on LinkedIn: “I alWAyS hiRE am-bee-shus PeePul”…. HR with management: “This candidate was very ambitious, so I don't know if he will stay. Let's look at the 2nd one.”

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