
If You Are Antiwork, You Understand We Must Arm the Poor and Oppressed

Understand that to make any real headway with this movement you will have to accept that our goals are in direct contravention to those of the moneyed interests currently in control of our systems and organizations. They want more profit and have repeatedly shown through history and current events that they will commit systemic violence on every level to obtain that goal. Capitalism drove the Enclosure acts, forcing the people to work for the capitalists to subsidize their own existence. It drove the adoption of wage earning and labor exploitation. Capitalism didn't invent slavery, but it sure as hell took advantage of it to enrich the capitalists, turning it from a cultural and state practice to a systematic, privatized industry which continues to enrich the 'global north' at the expense of it's neighbors and it's own 'undesirables' to this very day. Capitalism didn't invent colonies, but it turned them from…

Understand that to make any real headway with this movement you will have to accept that our goals are in direct contravention to those of the moneyed interests currently in control of our systems and organizations. They want more profit and have repeatedly shown through history and current events that they will commit systemic violence on every level to obtain that goal.

Capitalism drove the Enclosure acts, forcing the people to work for the capitalists to subsidize their own existence. It drove the adoption of wage earning and labor exploitation.

Capitalism didn't invent slavery, but it sure as hell took advantage of it to enrich the capitalists, turning it from a cultural and state practice to a systematic, privatized industry which continues to enrich the 'global north' at the expense of it's neighbors and it's own 'undesirables' to this very day.

Capitalism didn't invent colonies, but it turned them from an expansion of a population and culture into new lands to a systematic exploitation and extraction of labor and wealth from those who could not stand against the system in ways not seen before.

These were not peaceful or agreeable acts and they were enabled through organization, advanced weaponry, and a willingness to do violence against those who opposed them, inside and out.

If you truly wish to be antiwork, you will have to recognize the need to organize and be ready to oppose those who wish to disenfranchise and disempower you for their own ends. You need not commit violence, but you must be ready to respond in kind, because the capitalists, their states used to provide the veneer of legitimacy, and the goons they employ to enforce those systems will come to commit violence upon you in order to further their goals.

And if you can't bring yourself to recognize you will have no choice but to take that position (or your privilege allows you to feel that you don't face that choice, itself a choice already made 'for' you), then you need to shut up and stand aside while those who do recognize that need arm and stand up for themselves while you tacitly give support to the status quo in exchange for your comfort.

Armed minorities are harder to oppress

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