
Burner Phone Number Apps Might Be Your New Best Friend

So despite having a BA, a bad run with drugs left unable to get back into the white collar world despite being clean for several years now. So I took what I can get and dealt with the typical stuff posted here. One perfect example was working at a 7-11 when my boss accidentally threw away an important key. Rather than call a locksmith I was instructed to dig through the garbage until I found it. My 19 year old cat had also died the night before. I said, thanks, have fun but I'm not doing it when the reasonable thing is to get a new lock. Since basically no one calls for entry level job references, I have just taken to making up a reference and using the burner phone app. They allow you to add multiple numbers and there's no info to be found if they search the…

So despite having a BA, a bad run with drugs left unable to get back into the white collar world despite being clean for several years now.

So I took what I can get and dealt with the typical stuff posted here. One perfect example was working at a 7-11 when my boss accidentally threw away an important key. Rather than call a locksmith I was instructed to dig through the garbage until I found it. My 19 year old cat had also died the night before. I said, thanks, have fun but I'm not doing it when the reasonable thing is to get a new lock.

Since basically no one calls for entry level job references, I have just taken to making up a reference and using the burner phone app. They allow you to add multiple numbers and there's no info to be found if they search the number. If someone does call I'll just let it go to voicemail and then get a friend or my mom to call back. But no surprise, I've done this several times now and no one has bothered to check a reference for shit pay entry level soulless corporate stuff.

I just thought this might help. Honestly, job jumping has been how to I deal with the crap conditions. But, this is also useful for anyone that needs or wants or already walked without notice.

Of course you can simply do this for free if you have a friend willing to play along as your ex-boss without the need for a burner number.

I hope this helps the less tech savvy who didn't know/think about these apps

Good luck and may you never fear saying “fuck this shit” and walking

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