
How much does my company know?

So recently we have been asked to install Duo Mobile App to verify our logins to the work software we use at the office. I just want to know if this isn't any kind of spyware, how much info can it get from my phone? Does it track my location? Anyone else uses it at work? I went through the permissions and so, nothing suspicious, but I still don't feel at ease with it being on my personal phone. And no, I unfortunately don't have a second phone for “work only purposes”:((

So recently we have been asked to install Duo Mobile App to verify our logins to the work software we use at the office. I just want to know if this isn't any kind of spyware, how much info can it get from my phone? Does it track my location? Anyone else uses it at work?
I went through the permissions and so, nothing suspicious, but I still don't feel at ease with it being on my personal phone. And no, I unfortunately don't have a second phone for “work only purposes”:((

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