
What are some tips to maximize unemployment?

I've been working low paying healthcare industry jobs for 10+ years and I finally landed on a company so shitty that they laid off a quarter of their workforce right before the holidays to boost corporate profit. I couldn't be more elated to take a break and collect unemployment. My plan is to break my lease and hike the appalachian trail this spring/ summer while I figure out my next career move. Any tips to maximize unemployment so that I can continue to receive benefits while hiking on the east coast? I'm planning to apply for food stamps and medi-cal as well (I live in San Diego).

I've been working low paying healthcare industry jobs for 10+ years and I finally landed on a company so shitty that they laid off a quarter of their workforce right before the holidays to boost corporate profit. I couldn't be more elated to take a break and collect unemployment. My plan is to break my lease and hike the appalachian trail this spring/ summer while I figure out my next career move.

Any tips to maximize unemployment so that I can continue to receive benefits while hiking on the east coast? I'm planning to apply for food stamps and medi-cal as well (I live in San Diego).

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