
I want to quit but then I overthink it and feel like I’m a dick for doing so….. help

So not to bait but I seriously am trying to quit my job. I have been looking for other positions and jobs to take before giving my current employer the boot and saying good bye so long. I have one offers so far and waiting to hear back on job offer from another one and two more interviews this week for good positions and wages. Doing what I love for work. But I'm having second thoughts on weather I should or not at this moment in time. The reason is because last week we just had a person steal from us and got themselves fired. So now we are down to two employees myself and my boss. I tend to not enjoy burning bridges cause you never know when you might need them for one thing or another down the line or in the future. But if I give my…

So not to bait but I seriously am trying to quit my job. I have been looking for other positions and jobs to take before giving my current employer the boot and saying good bye so long.

I have one offers so far and waiting to hear back on job offer from another one and two more interviews this week for good positions and wages. Doing what I love for work. But I'm having second thoughts on weather I should or not at this moment in time. The reason is because last week we just had a person steal from us and got themselves fired. So now we are down to two employees myself and my boss.

I tend to not enjoy burning bridges cause you never know when you might need them for one thing or another down the line or in the future. But if I give my two weeks the second I decide on an offer I feel there will be a little bit of resentment and bitterness there due to already being down an employee and there only being two of us.

The reason I want to quit is because we got this new boss who I like and seems really cool but the things he's doing, I don't agree with or see the vision they have for the place. I really wish I had the same vision as they do… But I don't. He also likes to be passive aggressive about things and not tell them straight to your face as I feel a good leader or boss should say if something is wrong to you directly not in passive note form. One instance of this was when he started I took initiative to clean something and took a long time on it and care cause it needed it and hadn't been done in weeks. It looked great to me. So I walk in the next morning with a huge list of things we missed cleaning up the night before and then at the bottom it says, “the job I did was almost perfect.” In all caps. Also there were some other things. Lastly the other reason is cuts in my hours due to winter season.

So yes, I guess thinking about it as I type this I would be a huge dick for leaving when there would only be one staff member left. But at the same time there are jobs out there with more money in my field of work. But at the same time different boss and more freedom possibly with scheduling if I found a job that allowed that. So what I am asking is should I quit or just go along for the ride and then quit after the holidays or just stick it out and see what happens?

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