
Dir. just scheduled a 15 call with my whole department for tomorrow morning, am I getting laid off?

I haven't been at the job long and have only received positive feedback. I also just took over 2 highly visible projects. Tonight around 6:30 a director scheduled a 15 min call with my whole department for tomorrow morning. I haven't seen any other signs we'd get laid off. If anything I'd assume we have decent security. But, my team is new and a lot of us are brand new to the company. Some just started last week. So if they need to save money it makes sense they'd sack the new people. I'm probably getting laid off, aren't I? I really can't afford to be jobless again.

I haven't been at the job long and have only received positive feedback. I also just took over 2 highly visible projects. Tonight around 6:30 a director scheduled a 15 min call with my whole department for tomorrow morning. I haven't seen any other signs we'd get laid off. If anything I'd assume we have decent security. But, my team is new and a lot of us are brand new to the company. Some just started last week. So if they need to save money it makes sense they'd sack the new people. I'm probably getting laid off, aren't I?
I really can't afford to be jobless again.

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