Went for an interview today. Waited for around 6 hours just to attend the pre scheduled interview as people are obviously busy. Last round was with the MD ( owner), and here's his work philosophy,
1) Working over the normal working hours i.e. 9 hours everyday, should not be questioned.
2) I don't like and want people who care about stupid things like work life balance.
3) I don't know the meaning of toxic work culture.
4) You should work from Monday to Saturday and Sunday mornings too, do the obligatory household time management and house chores on sunday evening.
5) I don't like people who take leaves. I don't want you calling me with reasons like your parents are unwell, you have the flu, or stomach aches.
6) What do you mean by burnout? You really have a weird vocabulary. In my 30 years of experience I have never experienced this non sense.
7) You should be ok with not being able to sleep for 4-5 days straight for work related specific events. Also these event frequency will be 3-4 per month.
8) You should be aware about these things which you will be doing, even though they aren't the main part of your job description.
9) Oh and the events we spoke about? Around 4-5 in a year will be international, but they will be taken care of by somebody else, you're not going there.
And the greatest question I received after this tirade,
10) Why should I not pay you 10-20% less than what you are already earning? Why do you want an increament?
If you are in agreement with all the discussed points, then we can go ahead!