
Availability struggles, just need some encouragement.

It’s been a long year, I left an abusive relationship and moved which had me looking for a different job. I’m safe and employed, trying to save up for my own place to get off the couch at my friend’s apartment. So far things have been good. I put open availability at my current job and I’ve been working everything they’ve thrown at me including 14 hour weekend doubles. It’s all for the goal of being self sufficient and stable even if it’s hard. The situation that’s arisen is that my friends are going out of town, and that leaves me without a safe way home at night for two weeks. I made my boss aware of this and put in my availability change with the statement that this would only be for two weeks until they returned. This morning they denied my availability change. With no reason as to…

It’s been a long year, I left an abusive relationship and moved which had me looking for a different job. I’m safe and employed, trying to save up for my own place to get off the couch at my friend’s apartment. So far things have been good. I put open availability at my current job and I’ve been working everything they’ve thrown at me including 14 hour weekend doubles. It’s all for the goal of being self sufficient and stable even if it’s hard. The situation that’s arisen is that my friends are going out of town, and that leaves me without a safe way home at night for two weeks. I made my boss aware of this and put in my availability change with the statement that this would only be for two weeks until they returned. This morning they denied my availability change. With no reason as to why. I sent an email reiterating why I cannot work till close during these two weeks and that it was only temporary, that I hoped we could come to a compromise that benefited my employer and myself. I don’t have anyone but my room mates and no one I work with lives where I do. I’m not sure what’s going to happen but I could use some encouragement and or advice. I’m this close to being stable again, my friends gave me a generous timeline for getting my own place (March 2023) and it’s all I want. All I’ve dreamed about since I left my situation in August. Cross your fingers for me, I go in for my shift in about 2 hours and I’m going to speak to my boss then.

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