
They are gonna get me fired

Stupid people You all I’m seeing red. I was exhausted Wednesday going to five different stores to get stuff for cookies. My back was like I’m done. The next day I casually talked to a coworker about how tired I was. their response ”well you don’t have kids so you have all this free time” my response well my doctor said if I get pregnant my back would either give out and I’d be on bed rest or the hormones will make me feel no pain. Their response: you’ll be fine. Maybe on bed rest for the last month” 1 I’m glad you got you doctorates over the last few weeks 2 wtf are you to say I have free time because I have no kids? Maybe I’ve been trying?

Stupid people

You all I’m seeing red. I was exhausted Wednesday going to five different stores to get stuff for cookies. My back was like I’m done. The next day I casually talked to a coworker about how tired I was. their response ”well you don’t have kids so you have all this free time” my response well my doctor said if I get pregnant my back would either give out and I’d be on bed rest or the hormones will make me feel no pain. Their response: you’ll be fine. Maybe on bed rest for the last month”

1 I’m glad you got you doctorates over the last few weeks

2 wtf are you to say I have free time because I have no kids? Maybe I’ve been trying?

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