
Okay, hear me out. Is this dangling a carrot or what?

I love my job. It’s honestly a great place to work. However, if they tell you “we are closing the office early for the holiday weekend,” and you only have 30 mins left of your shift… does that count? We still haven’t been released. In my opinion, they shouldn’t say that we are leaving early. Instead, they should just release us 10 mins before we close so we can actually be excited about it. Am I wrong to think that way? I just started working here and at my previous job “leaving early” meant either a half day or at 1pm. Leaving within 30 mins of your actual end time in my opinion doesn’t qualify. Am I being ridiculous? It’s just an opinion so please don’t kill me lol.

I love my job. It’s honestly a great place to work. However, if they tell you “we are closing the office early for the holiday weekend,” and you only have 30 mins left of your shift… does that count? We still haven’t been released. In my opinion, they shouldn’t say that we are leaving early. Instead, they should just release us 10 mins before we close so we can actually be excited about it. Am I wrong to think that way? I just started working here and at my previous job “leaving early” meant either a half day or at 1pm. Leaving within 30 mins of your actual end time in my opinion doesn’t qualify. Am I being ridiculous? It’s just an opinion so please don’t kill me lol.

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