
Employer forcing us to be on call for any position, is this legal?

I work in Colorado for a restaurant. Our location started scheduling people on call after Covid, specifically on call as servers. This morning I found out that if we are on call, we are on call for any position in the restaurant including those that we are not trained to do or that pay substantially less than our other job codes. I tried googling the law and came up with a couple different answers so I don’t trust it. What resources are there on Reddit or elsewhere that I could find out if this is even legal? Are there any Colorado people in the group that could give me some insight?

I work in Colorado for a restaurant. Our location started scheduling people on call after Covid, specifically on call as servers.

This morning I found out that if we are on call, we are on call for any position in the restaurant including those that we are not trained to do or that pay substantially less than our other job codes. I tried googling the law and came up with a couple different answers so I don’t trust it. What resources are there on Reddit or elsewhere that I could find out if this is even legal? Are there any Colorado people in the group that could give me some insight?

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