
I don’t know if I should keep this job

I applied for a job at the beginning of September, a totally different field I haven't been in before but still requires lots of customer service and a lot of training. The supervisor was upfront that the job is stressful and the hours were long, holidays will be required, and a non-compete in the contract. She also mentioned multiple times throughout the three interviews and the testing session that they were really understaffed and a full time person just left. I made it clear throughout the interviews that I wanted to work full time, didn't mind holidays, and didn't have any other jobs. So I finished the background check and drug test and they offered me the position towards the end of September. I do my fingerprints and she's giving me the rundown of the duties of the position. Then she says she'll have my schedule ready next week and…

I applied for a job at the beginning of September, a totally different field I haven't been in before but still requires lots of customer service and a lot of training.

The supervisor was upfront that the job is stressful and the hours were long, holidays will be required, and a non-compete in the contract. She also mentioned multiple times throughout the three interviews and the testing session that they were really understaffed and a full time person just left. I made it clear throughout the interviews that I wanted to work full time, didn't mind holidays, and didn't have any other jobs.

So I finished the background check and drug test and they offered me the position towards the end of September. I do my fingerprints and she's giving me the rundown of the duties of the position. Then she says she'll have my schedule ready next week and to come in on Monday afternoon.

I come in on Monday and look at my schedule and it's all part time shifts, less than 40 hours every pay period and at barely above minimum wage my take-home is less than $600 a month. It really threw me for a loop, I'm living with family and it's not going well, I thought getting this job would put me in a good spot to be independent again. I've had contract jobs the past two years and was looking for more stability.

I didn't want to seem money hungry and asked about when I'd go full time. My supervisor just responded that it depends on how fast I get through the training, so it's not set in stone when I'll be able to move out on my own. She decides when I move forward in the training, there isn't an online course I have to sit and get tested on, just stuff she tells me I have to memorize and I take my own notes. The board limits my hours because I overheard my supervisor once when she was making the schedule, trying to not give me too many hours. They only give me 39 exactly.

Every month she releases the schedule I just feel more despair that I'm not going anywhere in life. Then I learned that my coworkers may almost double that I do and they just got a $2 raise that I was not privy to. My supervisor was honest about the wage but said that she was working with the board for a cost of living adjustment to go up to $14.5 soon. My check still reflects $8.5 an hour. I know I don't have as much experience as my coworkers but I felt stupid for taking this job and I don't know if I should stay long term.

I am disabled and can't work manual labor jobs anymore, I have been applying for jobs throughout this but I don't have any good job leads. I don't have any employers insurance until I'm full time and I've been spending $130 a month just to stay on my medicine that keeps me stable. I'm just not sure if this job is worth it I kind of feel lied to and I'm going into my third month wondering how long I can hold on to this job mentally. I hate working part time because the hours aren't consistent, right now I only work three days a week and have to keep up with the training on my own time unpaid. Memorizing all types of information that she tests me on at least one a week.

I was under the impression that I'd be training full time from the comments she made during the interviews. She's older and made many “nobody wants to work anymore” comments and kept my opinion to myself because I'm limited to desk jobs and remote work.

I've been trying to stay positive but every month I'm not full time means I'm paying out of pocket for meds and my psychiatrist, not being able to save much money, and being dependent on my family for housing. I'm 25 years old and I just want my own apartment and to be able to afford a service dog for my disabilities. I've started to have mild arthritis symptoms (genetic), I need new crowns and to get my wisdom teeth removed, I haven't had a regular therapist in months and I know I need regular therapy to stay stable, I just can't afford it right now.

I'm just posting here to get you all's opinion, I'm young but I've worked a multitude of jobs. This job is okay but it's everything I didn't want for a job. I don't know if I should leave but if I get a better offer I'm definitely going to be considering it more if it's full time off the bat and has health insurance.

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