
All employees have to work on New Year’s Day, but no managers have to?

I really need some advice from you all before I make a make a decision that I may later regret. I am a salesperson at a RV dealership in Florida, and it’s New Year’s Day (and Sunday) – all of our sales people are required to be here today, not a single manager is here from sales or finance (which to fill you in, we are not able to do much of ANYTHING with no managers. I can’t see if inventory is available, and have had this issue in the past where I showed a customer a unit and later found out it was sold when they wanted to buy it, because a manager wasn’t there. I can’t take deposits, I can’t get out the door numbers, estimate payments, nothing). No customers have come in all day, we are just sitting here trying to find things to do. Had we…

I really need some advice from you all before I make a make a decision that I may later regret. I am a salesperson at a RV dealership in Florida, and it’s New Year’s Day (and Sunday) – all of our sales people are required to be here today, not a single manager is here from sales or finance (which to fill you in, we are not able to do much of ANYTHING with no managers. I can’t see if inventory is available, and have had this issue in the past where I showed a customer a unit and later found out it was sold when they wanted to buy it, because a manager wasn’t there. I can’t take deposits, I can’t get out the door numbers, estimate payments, nothing).

No customers have come in all day, we are just sitting here trying to find things to do. Had we made some kind of promotional event and done advertising to get people in here, I would understand a little more. However, I’m going to assume most people would not want to come in here hungover on a holiday and likely assume that we are not open. This is not the first time a situation like this has happened here and I’m about to lose my shit.

Side note, I am the top sales person and always come in on my day off if needed, I’m not mentioning this to toot my own horn but I do feel like I have some leverage and am trying to look out for my coworkers who I know will do whatever they are asked and not complain. I appreciate them immensely, but I am not that way. I get paid entirely off of commission and am sacrificing my holiday with friends and family to sit in an empty dealership. What would you do? I’m not even sure who to have a conversation with or where to begin, but this is a more than obvious indicator that we are not valued as people and our lives are significantly less important than those making the rules.

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