
Just a vent rant thingy about work programmes and jobcentres. Wondered if anyone could relate as well

I'm getting really sick of these work programmes and the jobcentre. They just don't understand autistic people at all, and I'm tired of constantly going around in circles with sh!t. I am constantly attending pointless meetings on the phone and face to face, and it's little things as well like people I see there wording things like they're doing me a favour or like I'm forgetful or lazy – those of you who are on the autistic spectrum and on benefits will understand (I hope, lol). Why do all these places appear to be run by neurotypicals? Autistic people exist yet does society think of making programmes that are a bit more helpful explicitly for those on the spectrum, not just lumping us in with people with Downs and referring to autism as a learning difficulty (ugh… it is a neurodevelopmental condition yall)? It definitely doesn't seem to be the…

I'm getting really sick of these work programmes and the jobcentre. They just don't understand autistic people at all, and I'm tired of constantly going around in circles with sh!t. I am constantly attending pointless meetings on the phone and face to face, and it's little things as well like people I see there wording things like they're doing me a favour or like I'm forgetful or lazy – those of you who are on the autistic spectrum and on benefits will understand (I hope, lol). Why do all these places appear to be run by neurotypicals? Autistic people exist yet does society think of making programmes that are a bit more helpful explicitly for those on the spectrum, not just lumping us in with people with Downs and referring to autism as a learning difficulty (ugh… it is a neurodevelopmental condition yall)? It definitely doesn't seem to be the case unfortunately, especially here in the UK.

I would like to go on ESA so I don't have to keep doing this sh!t but I think that's redundant now, and besides I don't have a diagnosed health issue (I have complex GI problems and probably other things too but it's like jumping through hoops to get some things diagnosed, yall who know “know” lol).

I like to think I'm intelligent, but never being unable to hold down a job for very long is making me question myself and my sense of self worth as well as massively impacting on my sense of independence and wellbeing. During a lot of my adult life I have stayed in unhealthy relationships not helped by chronic employment problems, because it causes me to become (co)dependent on the person. It's not good.

Man I'm tired of the work and benefits system… Thanks for making it this far into my angry woman rant haha

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