
i have to pay back overpaid vacation. advice?

The situation is a bit complicated, so I will try my best to explain and answer any follow up questions. I've worked at my job for 4 years after the first year I started receiving vacation time. According to our contract, they pay full time 40hrs and part time 20hrs vacation time. I am part time, but got paid full time hours. Rosterapps is the system the company uses, so this is where it really gets messy. Management tried to fix my last vacation hours to the 20, but rosterapps changed it back. I'm told it's my fault I didn't check if it was right, but how can I when the system changes it back?? You can submit a ticket, but might as well go into a void (my coworker sent seven and didn't hear back once. I sent a couple, but again no reply) there's no way to call…

The situation is a bit complicated, so I will try my best to explain and answer any follow up questions.

I've worked at my job for 4 years after the first year I started receiving vacation time. According to our contract, they pay full time 40hrs and part time 20hrs vacation time. I am part time, but got paid full time hours. Rosterapps is the system the company uses, so this is where it really gets messy. Management tried to fix my last vacation hours to the 20, but rosterapps changed it back. I'm told it's my fault I didn't check if it was right, but how can I when the system changes it back?? You can submit a ticket, but might as well go into a void (my coworker sent seven and didn't hear back once. I sent a couple, but again no reply) there's no way to call them about it either. So how on earth am I supposed to fix it?! Anyway, now my vacation balance is so far in the negatives that i either have to take my next two years of vacations unpaid, or they keep my last check when I leave. Basically their department screwed up and overpaid me and the excuse is that since they already paid me i need to pay it back one way or another. I don't understand how their department messes up and myself and others have to pay it back. I'm so frustrated i have no idea what to do here. Is it worth talking to a labor lawyer or do we just have to eat the cost?

Work in the airline industry in MO if that provides any as additional help

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