
I work for a union

At a city near me. The pay isn’t amazing per se, but I make more than most cities in my area as a Maintenance Technician. I also work 4-10’s and have pretty awesome benefits and union representation. I used to estimate, and was reached out to by a civil infrastructure construction company asking if I’d be interested in interviewing. I took the interview (because why not), and was offered on the spot almost 45% more than I currently make a year through the city. With full medical, 401k, bonuses, and stock options. My question for you folks is, would you give up union representation, to work privately and make $11.75 more an hour? I should say, some days as a city worker I do nothing, some days I do a lot. I have zero take-home stress with my position. And can take off any time I want without any management…

At a city near me. The pay isn’t amazing per se, but I make more than most cities in my area as a Maintenance Technician. I also work 4-10’s and have pretty awesome benefits and union representation.

I used to estimate, and was reached out to by a civil infrastructure construction company asking if I’d be interested in interviewing. I took the interview (because why not), and was offered on the spot almost 45% more than I currently make a year through the city. With full medical, 401k, bonuses, and stock options.

My question for you folks is, would you give up union representation, to work privately and make $11.75 more an hour?

I should say, some days as a city worker I do nothing, some days I do a lot. I have zero take-home stress with my position. And can take off any time I want without any management blinking an eye. Classic city work stuff. Also if the economy took a dump, I’d never lose my job.

As an estimator I know there will be deadlines, meetings, surely some stress taken home. Though I would finally be able to save money. Save for a new vehicle for my family, save for a house, not live paycheck to paycheck, not worry about buying groceries and gas, and feel like I won’t have money for bills. Which is currently what I deal with. I’d make the same amount at the City that I was offered from this estimating position, in like 10 years.

It’s tough, I enjoy my job currently because of benefits and low stress, but am seriously considering switching for financial relief (and similar benefits). Also, half of the year where I live is freezing and gray and I definitely deal with seasonal depression from being outside in the cold and rain some days.

Big decisions, I know. Wish I had the answers. Just wanted to vent and see what you all thought.

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