
Just got a second job

This is just a dumb vent abt capitalism and ~society~ so feel free to scroll I hate this economy so much. The fact that I need to work two jobs that are barely above minimum wage terrifies me. I'm only 20. I haven't even gone to college yet because my family lost so much money bc of covid. I have ONE day a week where I'm off and that's not even guaranteed because they're short staffed at my new job (hence, why they hired me) and I said I would be available on call. I was SOBBING to my girlfriend about how I couldn't find another job and I need the money to SURVIVE (god that alone is awful), but now I'm not sure which is worse. Leeching off of my already financially unstable parents while making a barely livable wage, or work a slightly more liveable wage working 60…

This is just a dumb vent abt capitalism and ~society~ so feel free to scroll

I hate this economy so much. The fact that I need to work two jobs that are barely above minimum wage terrifies me. I'm only 20. I haven't even gone to college yet because my family lost so much money bc of covid. I have ONE day a week where I'm off and that's not even guaranteed because they're short staffed at my new job (hence, why they hired me) and I said I would be available on call.

I was SOBBING to my girlfriend about how I couldn't find another job and I need the money to SURVIVE (god that alone is awful), but now I'm not sure which is worse. Leeching off of my already financially unstable parents while making a barely livable wage, or work a slightly more liveable wage working

And then there's inflation where gen z (which I am a part of) has to save up MILLIONS of dollars of retirement funds just to live a middle class life. Even now you see elderly people working at Walmart and McDonalds. It's heartbreaking.

I don't want to do this. I don't want to have to work and work and work just to survive. I want to live. But capitalism doesn't allow you to live. Your only purpose is to serve your masters because they've made it so that you're dependent on them to not starve to death or become homeless.

I've been crying about this for the past few days. I know it's dumb to cry about, it's more angry tears. I just wish I could run away with my girlfriend and live off the land in a cottage in the countryside.
But I can't afford it.

How ironic.

Sorry for the long post, I just needed to get that off my chest to people who feel the same way I do.

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