Alright rant time: so I live in an area of california that has been rocked by rain for the last week and a half. The store that I am an assistant manager at is located next to a river that today has potential to overflow and flood, and the bridges (for some employees the only way to get home) have potential to close due to damage caused by debris. And even with that, they’re making us stay open, even when it’s a potential risk as we’re in the middle of an area that’s been placed under an evacuation warning. All of this for sales that we won’t be getting anywhere close to making because no one is going to shop in possibly life-threatening conditions. Add on top of that the anxiety of my co-workers and me in fear that the river could at any point 1) make it so that we have no way of going home or 2) the river overflowing and causing us to have to rapidly flee the are. Absolutely insane.