
Company Overpaid my Wife and are asking for $900 before her last day this week. (CA Resident)

As the title says, company sent a document that requires her signature to take $900 out of her last paycheck. She told them she wouldn’t sign it, that it’s their fault, and that there’s a law in California about overpayment protecting the worker over the company. Anything we’re missing? Do you think a giant company would try and get $900 out of us some other way? The company has been scummy the whole time she’s been here and we should’ve foreseen some kind of negligence or stunt, but here we are. Any hints, tips, or tricks to stick it to these guys on her last week?

As the title says, company sent a document that requires her signature to take $900 out of her last paycheck.

She told them she wouldn’t sign it, that it’s their fault, and that there’s a law in California about overpayment protecting the worker over the company.

Anything we’re missing? Do you think a giant company would try and get $900 out of us some other way?

The company has been scummy the whole time she’s been here and we should’ve foreseen some kind of negligence or stunt, but here we are.

Any hints, tips, or tricks to stick it to these guys on her last week?

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