
Job is trying to kiss our asses?

The first Christmas you work at my job you get a bonus for $250.00. Then it goes up to $500.00 your second year, third is $750.00. It maxes out at $1000.00 for your 4th year and that's what it stays after that. We were told at 3pm, a mere 9 hours before most of the workers get paid, that we weren't receiving our bonuses this year. We were also 2 months backed up on our monthly vouchers for when we make the numbers they set up. Also never received the $50.00 bonuses for when we made a specific product. Everytime we make that product, the next paycheck should have the extra money. We've made those shitty ass things 4 times now and not once gotten that bonus. We finally received a monthly voucher which only added up to the two months we didn't get them before. Boss wanted us to…

The first Christmas you work at my job you get a bonus for $250.00. Then it goes up to $500.00 your second year, third is $750.00. It maxes out at $1000.00 for your 4th year and that's what it stays after that.
We were told at 3pm, a mere 9 hours before most of the workers get paid, that we weren't receiving our bonuses this year.
We were also 2 months backed up on our monthly vouchers for when we make the numbers they set up. Also never received the $50.00 bonuses for when we made a specific product. Everytime we make that product, the next paycheck should have the extra money. We've made those shitty ass things 4 times now and not once gotten that bonus.
We finally received a monthly voucher which only added up to the two months we didn't get them before. Boss wanted us to get exiced over things we should of already gotten months ago.
And after all of that BS, they are upset people are calling out, using their sick time, and not working to their full potential.
After complaining about all of the broken tools or machinery, almost tripping on the same hoses day in and day out, telling them everything that is wrong for months, they finally say “we want to make sure you're happy”. No, you are upset because I'm one of the hardest workers you have and I told my supervisor I'm not going above and beyond anymore. I'm demanding more pay and if it doesn't happen, I'm gone.
Sorry if this is all gibberish. My mind races and it's hard to put into words how upset this place has made me. I really am a hard ass worker and I'm sick of getting screwed over.

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