
Fired today for refusing to do work that made me uncomfortable and feel unsafe.

Hi all, first time posting but I keep up with the sub when I can. ​ Today I got a call I knew would be coming – I've been let go from my job due to “Insubordination.” This insubordination comes in the flavour of me feeling uncomfortable and completely unsafe doing work in an area at risk of explosion if the work is done incorrectly, a mistake is made, or something simply breaks. This would be a form of testing something that would be pressurized to extremely high pressure, and could explode and shrapnel if something went wrong. Even the names for the room insinuated that it was a bulletproof room meant to contain possible explosions should something go wrong, and an automated email we received is even labeled the same as well as the official work instructions. Additionally, I would not do this work as I had zero backup…

Hi all, first time posting but I keep up with the sub when I can.

Today I got a call I knew would be coming – I've been let go from my job due to “Insubordination.” This insubordination comes in the flavour of me feeling uncomfortable and completely unsafe doing work in an area at risk of explosion if the work is done incorrectly, a mistake is made, or something simply breaks. This would be a form of testing something that would be pressurized to extremely high pressure, and could explode and shrapnel if something went wrong. Even the names for the room insinuated that it was a bulletproof room meant to contain possible explosions should something go wrong, and an automated email we received is even labeled the same as well as the official work instructions. Additionally, I would not do this work as I had zero backup in my area should something go wrong. I would be lucky if someone even knew I was in the room, as often my co workers don't even realize I'm in that little tucked away corner. I worked swing, with a very small workforce, meaning most nights an extremely small amount of employees were in the working room, and most nowhere near me

I have refused to do this work for months on this basis and every time been shuffled under the rug, they changed the nomenclature, but it doesn't mean I don't know what the room is called already. They refused to hire or transfer additional personnel to watch my back It came to a head last week, with me flat out refusing to do it until the situation is resolved. They brute forced me into doing some other unrelated work, which intensified a migraine I already had, and thus I left early using my sick time, having to wait to even drive home.

Today I get a call around noon, letting me know due to recent “Insubordination,” effective immediately I am no longer employed, do an exit thing, yadda yadda, make sure the HR guy knows what “Insubordination” went on.

My mental and physical well being is more important than their damn profit. My team went from 7 people to just 3 total, the others still very undertrained, and I have been working on my own on my shift for the past 9 months. They just let all of the temps go, too. I have been overworked, disrespected, and disregarded when I had concerns.

Fuck em.

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