
Overworked and/or Taken Advantage Of?

I don't know what to do. I work at a dog kennel that also offers daycare, transportation, training, and some grooming. We have no job descriptions, but each employee is set to work in either the daycare or office/kennel for the day. Sometimes, we'll move around if a certain area needs more help for that day. New owners took over a couple of years ago. I feel as if I've been the one who has to do the vast majority of the physical work. The one who is always on their feet. I have issues with my feet and knee, and I am the oldest employee there (that probably doesn't matter too much, but it contributes to pain and stress). We used to offer more grooming in the past, but our equipment is nowhere near ideal to work with. It caused me physical pain after working with it for years,…

I don't know what to do.

I work at a dog kennel that also offers daycare, transportation, training, and some grooming. We have no job descriptions, but each employee is set to work in either the daycare or office/kennel for the day. Sometimes, we'll move around if a certain area needs more help for that day. New owners took over a couple of years ago.

I feel as if I've been the one who has to do the vast majority of the physical work. The one who is always on their feet. I have issues with my feet and knee, and I am the oldest employee there (that probably doesn't matter too much, but it contributes to pain and stress). We used to offer more grooming in the past, but our equipment is nowhere near ideal to work with. It caused me physical pain after working with it for years, which is why I decided to cut down on grooming there. I paid my own way through grooming school. Was probably underpaid when I was grooming more, too.

New owners decide they want to start offering training. They sent a newer employee than me for a course. This also ticked me off. She would continually show up late and clock in as being on time. She's been disrespectful to me on more than one occasion as well. She takes 5 bathroom breaks a day and is always grabbing coffee. Anyways, the owners didn't even ask me if I'd be interested in it.

They hired another girl to help in the office on busy days. She's very pleasant over the phone and very nice as well. My problem when it comes to her is that she seems to be under the impression that she always gets to be at the desk and barely gets up to help with other tasks if the desk isn't occupied by someone else. In the past, she would be right at the desk every time she came in and hardly left. So I started doing some office work after morning feedings before she started. This is the only time I ever get to sit down at the desk. She now takes dogs outside and cleans kennels. Before, it used to be all me. She only helps with cleaning and moving dogs in the first couple of hours of the day. After that, she's always at the desk.

Long story short, I have frequently been finding myself as the one who is always stuck doing all the footwork. My shoes get soaked from all the baths and hosing down the kennels, so that causes further issues with my feet as my shoes swell and then shrink. Shoes don't last long. With the previous owner, the footwork was split, and we shared the office work. It is frustrating to be constantly on my feet, cleaning and doing the work nobody else wants to do while someone is at the desk all day.

Nobody else cleans the drain. I do ALL the easy baths and grooms. Kennels aren't getting properly cleaned when newer staff clean them. The outsides get neglected if I don't do them.

I struggle with mental health and broke down on December 26th after a horrible day at work. Ended up going to the ER later that week. Missed 4 days of work.

On the 26th, one girl who usually works daycare was at the desk all day. So I was left moving all the dogs around and helping the younger staff that just fill in when not at school. I did all 8 baths. Two were giant breeds that had to be done in the kennel area, so water gets EVERYWHERE. I had a bad muscle strain in my back at the time, too. I did a lot of cleaning and moving dogs around.

I've now asked for an extra day off work each week and have been seeing a counselor, but that hasn't helped much yet. I no longer enjoy the job. I have no motivation to do anything after work anymore. I always complain to my husband about how I am always the one doing all the work and everyone else gets to sit down. I haven't gotten a raise in two years.

The manager is never around. I believe employee training hasn't been as great with the new owners. I used to be the manager and was able to delegate tasks before change of ownership. Now, I feel as if I'm being taken advantage of, and my strong work ethic is partly to blame. If any of my coworkers get a chance to sit at the desk, chances are they're going to be there the rest of that day. I'm tired of being the one who does most of the physical work and never getting more than 30 minutes to do office work.

I've been told they will send me for dog training after, but that was months ago, and I don't know if it's worth sticking around for anymore. I already do the socialization program (while the girl who was actually sent for training only does the fun, easy, basic training like sit, stay, loose leash walking, and so on).

I am professionally trained to groom but no longer wish to do that after using poor equipment for so long. I'm not sure if I should try and wait it out or seek employment elsewhere. The only problem with that is that I'm not the best at talking to people, small talk can be hard for me. I have social anxiety, and there's not many jobs around here. It would be hard to find one that pays as much too.

I've brought issues up to the attention of my boss before, but nothing ever gets done about it. Time theft was allowed to go on for months, being disrespected by others and nothing was done, asked for something to be replaced and it rarely was. Which is why I haven't brought this to their attention yet. I also fear they might state that that's what they are paying me to do, or something. It doesn't feel like we are a team anymore. It feels like I am the one doing all the harder work.

A couple of the employees would leave messes in Kennels while feeding in the morning too. I came in later than the starting shift during the holidays to find kennels with urine and feces in them and had to clean it all while my coworker fed the dogs. She was already there for an hour and 45 minutes before me. This never used to happen. Messes are to be cleaned first.

I'm tired of it and am not sure what to do. Should I attempt speaking with my boss or just get out?
I write better than I speak, and due to my current mental state, I'm a bit worried about how talking in person would go. I feel I might quit on the spot or cry if they don't offer to resolve anything. I suffer from PMDD so that doesn't help.

I need money to pay for bills.

TLDR; I'm always the one doing all the footwork at work (dog kennel/daycare/grooming). We have no job descriptions. I suffer from plantars fasciitis, have a bad knee and PMDD. Been disrespected by other coworker. Doesn't feel like a team and seems unfair since new owners took over. No raise in 2 years. Frustrating seeing other employees sit at the desk all day while I do most physical work and all the jobs nobody else wants to do. Went to ER after a bad day for mental health. Do I quit or try talking to them?

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