
Docs Smokehouse is the worst restaurant to work at

Docs Smokehouse is by far the worst place I worked at. The disrespect there is unimaginable. They talk to you like you’re fucking dumb. One person there who was close to a kitchen manager (if there wasnt any other managers around hes in charge) almost broke my nose with a freezer door. If you worked in restaurants you know how thick they are. It was less than a inch from my nose. If I messed up a order just a little bit, like giving a bit too much fries he would snap at me but when other people would do it he wouldn’t say shit or he would actually talk to them. He would purposely try to embarrass me. And they didnt even allow a full 30 minute break either. You could go for a smoke, but they’ll say shit and get pissy if youre gone 10 minutes. They’d try…

Docs Smokehouse is by far the worst place I worked at. The disrespect there is unimaginable. They talk to you like you’re fucking dumb. One person there who was close to a kitchen manager (if there wasnt any other managers around hes in charge) almost broke my nose with a freezer door. If you worked in restaurants you know how thick they are. It was less than a inch from my nose. If I messed up a order just a little bit, like giving a bit too much fries he would snap at me but when other people would do it he wouldn’t say shit or he would actually talk to them. He would purposely try to embarrass me. And they didnt even allow a full 30 minute break either. You could go for a smoke, but they’ll say shit and get pissy if youre gone 10 minutes. They’d try and force me to try food I don’t like, and I never budged. If you would call off sick for even one day without finding someone to cover a shift then its unexcused and you’ll get written up or you need a doctors excuse, like I said even for one day.

The final straw: There was a new kitchen manager because the other 2 quit. We were closing and I had everything done what me and my coworkers agreed on so we all can leave early. We got done pretty fast. Shift lead said I was good just check in with the kitchen manager. I go and do that and the manager was mad sayin”whatever go”. So me being me i go up to him and ask “so then what you want me to do?” He gives me a screwdriver and tells me to clean the floor by scraping the cracks. I wanted to spit in his face. After doing that for 5 minutes me and my coworkers (shift lead too) talk how this is bullshit. Shift lead just tells me to go, i throw the screwdriver on the floor and go home. The next day I get stuff set up to cut chips and the kitchen manager pulls me to the side and starts saying bullshit like “you walked out last night” after back and forth of talking I walk back to my station to cut chips and forget that conversation. My coworker was wondering what happened and I told him a little bit. Then the kitchen manager says “Oh and when you’re done with that and cant find nothing to do come to me, ill find something for you and trust me you wont like it.” I had 2 options, either attack him and beat the shit outta him or walk out. I walked out.


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